Lav83Stefano Pasqualin Notes

artist: Stefano Pasqualin

title: Notes

date: March 30, 2020

time: 28:20

size: 68 MB

enc: 320 Kbps

style: ambient electronica


write music in order to photograph moments of transcendency,instant of suspension and mystical amazement.
I turn them into sound notes to remember these moments like a private memoirs.
With my work I make a decodifications of emotions and I try to transform them into music.
Music is the language I know, the expression of my perceptive interiority.
"Notes" are ink sketches on a notepad, and the titles of the tracks are captions that contextualize the soundstage.

In the first track I tried to describe the silence and the light through the high stained glass windows that transformed the study room into a cathedral absorbed in the peace of Sunday morning.

I decided to compose the second track right an university exam,while I was laying on the grass of prato della valle to unwind.
I love the immense sky above Prato della valle, the muffled sounds of the city, the space that opens up before to the eyes.

Third track: Sile is a slow flowing river, with a unique and beautiful ecosystem; walking along the river is intrinsically a mystical experience, to regenerate and get in touch with the time of nature, the time outside man.

The fourth tune instead recalls the snowy city center, the harmonious beauty of a medieval village and the artificiality of the Christmas lights in the silence of a deserted night.

The fifht track describes an unexpected sunset after a rainy day. The sky lit up reflecting his colors on the wet cobblestone. Among the street of downtown the scent of rain was still floating around, Autumn was in the air.

musical composition: Stefano Pasqualin
mix: Stefano Pasqualin
mastering: Tommaso Mantelli

Stefano Pasqualin is a Venetian composer, who studied percussion and contemporary music with M. Pietro Bertelli.
For some years he has been dedicating himself to experimental electronic composition.
His previous work is "Notturni" EP, pubblished for in 2016.